Jacqueline Alicia
Artist / Lover
San Diego, CA
Who are your biggest influences?
I would say, Cindy Sherman and Linda McCartney. Sherman’s self-portraits continue to blow my mind! It’s amazing to see how she was able to create so many characters/personas all by herself. I mean she would do everything on her shoots (set design, hair styling, photography, etc...)
I adore McCartney’s photography for its honesty. She was able to capture some of rock and roll's most iconic faces. Plus, she is a strong polaroid photographer, which has become my favorite medium to shoot.
When did you start shooting film and why?
I started “seriously” shooting film in college after I was gifted my father's old Canon AE-1 and some expired packs of 35mm black and white film. The first year of shooting was pretty difficult, but after many trials and errors, I started to form a personal style behind the lens. I think my attraction to shoot film comes from my love of all things vintage. Although we have modern filters now that can give a photograph a “retro” look, I think film is the only pure way to get that in your work. And at the end of the day, just shoot what makes you happy no matter what people think.
Do you have any projects coming up in 2021?
Yes! I am planning on a photo series about my great aunt! She is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met in my life. She is a long time activist who got her start during the Chicano Movement here in Southern California during the ’60s. In addition to photographing her at her home with her impressive art collection, I plan on recording her favorite memories of her career as an activist/educator.
IG: @number_xxvi