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"The pandemic has obviously changed the world of fashion. Elevated lounge wear isn’t going anywhere"

Damaris Valverde


Los Angeles

What’s your zodiac sign?

Cancer Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, Venus.


When did your interest in fashion begin?

Since I was ten I would always cut out images and make collages from magazines. The only way at the time to stay up to date and inspired by fashion was through watching red carpet events on TV and subscribing to my favorite magazines. This was obviously pre-Instagram and IPhone era. I’m an introvert and the way I’ve always expressed myself was through what I was wearing.

Any memorable special shoots?

The first time I worked as a stylist on a music video shoot was along side Charlie LeMindu. He was really fun to work with and just naturally full of amazing ideas. He’s definitely an inspiration and helped me find my confidence.

Any advice for someone interested in becoming a fashion stylist?

Know your worth. Do your research. Sometimes it isn’t so glamorous but in the end your hard work does pay off. I still have a long road to go before I get to where I want to be.

What’s your closest like?

Full of good stuff…mainly black. I’m pretty minimal. Years ago I decided I would only invest in pieces that were going to be long-term and versatile. Once I became more aware of my carbon footprint I seriously pumped the breaks on fast fashion.

What’s something everyone should own? Or something you couldn’t live without?

A badass pair of boots. I also could not live without a good pair of black shades! I always have them with me everywhere I go.

If you weren’t a stylist what would you be doing?

Definitely would go back to being an animal nurse again. I really don’t see myself doing anything else though. This path chose me!

Is there anyone you would love to work with someday?

I would love to work with Lana Del Rey. Her music resonates with me and I think we would create something epic . Kate Moss, obviously she’s so iconic. She’s been an influence of mine since the first time I picked up a magazine. I’m a fan of Nadia Lee’s work. Would be pretty cool to collaborate with her!

What kind of trends do you see happening/ending in 2021?

Being in a pandemic has obviously changed the world of fashion so much. Elevated lounge wear isn’t going anywhere. Roomier blazers, patchwork, knee high boots, leather. I’d like to see the end of the tie dye trend, biker shorts, and tiny/micro bags.

Anything else you wanna share?

Yeah! My name is pronounced Damn-Uh-wris. I go by Dam (damn). If you see my irl feel free to say hi! I don’t bite.

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