Fabiola Franyutti
Mexico City, Mexico.
Interactive design and digital media Student, DJ, Audio Visual Artist, Freelance designer, programer,video maker.

What makes you “different”?
Different to me involves lifestyle and general choices. I think it's really important to stand up for what you believe in and the basic principals that make you who you are.
People in my home city ( Guadalajara, Mexico) are very conservative and "plain". Girls grow up in a private school, go to uni ( some don't finish), get married, have babies, go to mass ( everyone is Catholic)…. and in my point of view, don't really live.
I think this really inspired me to be myself, no matter what. I lived in Texas and in London for quite some time, and I think this gave me a chance to meet other people like me - creative, crazy, fun, and fearless. I think being fearless is one of the key things to living life to the fullest.
Now in days, I have crazy hair colors- constantly changing, I like to smoke weed, I LOVE and base most of my beliefs on music, I like going out, cooking, and trying everything once (… well almost everything).
Describe your style
Style to me is personal. I don't really think I can be categorized as a one style person. I wake up, go to my closet, and just pick different things. Sometimes I match, sometimes I don't. I mean, if I had the money- I would dress very different. Being a student is, as most people know, really difficult… so I dress in what I have, and all that I have I love, so i'm quite happy. I have LOADS of clothes, mostly stuff I get in used and vintage clothing markets all around the world. I would think that if I had to describe my style, I would just say that i'm unique.
Who is your favorite designer or brand?
Probably Jeremy Scott.
Who is your biggest fashion inspiration?
So difficult…. I always loved the way Grace Coddington always dressed in black, but I guess she is more like a role model.Right now I love Gabriela Olivia (http://www.gabriellaolivia.com) and Miranda Makaroff (http://www.hermanasmiranda.es)
What piece in your closet could you not live without?
My black cutoff shorts.
What is your number one fashion advice?
Be yourself and do whatever inspires you!
Dream job?
Creative Director to my own company.
If money wasn’t a problem what would you do for a job?
Travel, photograph and DJ.

What could you not live without?
Computer, phone, and speakers.
Favorite song right now?
Jo Gurth- Superflu
Favorite artist?
Favorite quote?
"Everything happens for a reason"
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change?
What is your hobby?
Djing and taking photographs
Favorite book?
Harry Potter Series
His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman
Favorite food?
I could eat bean, cheese and avocado filled quesadillas every day.
Last time your cried?
Watching Guardians of the Galaxy (I cry in almost every film).